摘要:An emotional expression can be misremembered as more similar to previously seen expressions than it actually was – demonstrating inductive category effects for emotional expressions. Given that memory is influenced over time, we sought to determine whether memory for a single expression would be similarly influenced by other expressions viewed simultaneously. In other words, we test whether the ability to encode statistical features of an ensemble (i.e., ensemble encoding) is leveraged when attempting to recall a single expression from the ensemble. In three preregistered experiments, participants saw an ensemble of 4 expressions, one neutral and the three either happy or sad. After a delay, participants were asked to reproduce the neutral face by adjusting a response face’s expression. In Experiment 1, the ensemble comprised images of the same actor; in Experiments 2 and 3, images were comprised of individuals varying race and gender. In each experiment we demonstrated that even after only a single exposure, memory for the neutral expression in the happy group was biased happier relative to the same expression in the sad group. Data and syntax can be found at https://osf.io/gcbez/.