出版社:Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts)
摘要:Študenti ustvarjajo lastne medjezikovne in medkulturne povezave med jeziki, ki jih že poznajo, kar je še posebej pomenljivo na začetni stopnji. V pričujočem prispevku se namerava med drugim razložiti vlogo prej naučenih jezikov pri učenju ciljnega jezika ter tudi v kakšnih okoliščinah in kako vplivajo na procesučenja ciljnega jezika (De Angelis in Selinker, 2007; Ringbom, 2007). Avtorici se tako namenita ovrednotiti transferenco pri študentih, katerih materni jezik je hrvaščina, drugi pa angleščina, pri pisnem izražanju v španskem jeziku. Namen prispevka je namreč raziskati, v kolikšni meri se ti trije jeziki (hrvaščina kot prvi, angleščina kot drugi in španščina kot tretji jezik) prepletajo na ravni besedišča. Podatki so zbrani na osnovi esejev, ki so jih študenti španščine z Univerze v Zagrebu napisali v enem semestru študijskega leta 2018-2019. V analizi se skuša razvrstiti zaznane napake, opredeliti vedenje lažnih prijateljev in določiti, iz katerega jezika izvirajo in v kolikšni meri.
其他摘要:The student creates his own interlinguistic and intercultural links between the languages he already knows, and this is especially strong at the initial level. One of the objectives of this study is to explain the role played by previous languages in the learning of a target language, and also in what situations they influence the learning process of the target language and how (De Angelis, 2007; Ringbom, 2007). Therefore, the work proposes to evaluate the transfer in written production of Spanish by students whose mother tongue is Croatian and whose L2 is English. The objective is to investigate to what extent the three languages are interlaced (Croatian, L1, English, L2, Spanish, L3) at the lexical level. The data was compiled from the essays that the Spanish students of the University of Zagreb wrote during one semester. The analysis attempts to classify the errors that occur, establish how the cognates behave, what language they borrow from and to what extent.