期刊名称:Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences
摘要:Abstract. In order to fully use the newly-built hydrologic stations in small and medium rivers for flood warning and prevention, based on the technical line of the investigation and evaluation of flash flood disasters, different historical flood information of the warning river section was investigated, while the elevations of riverain houses were measured. The relationship between the stations and affected population has been established for the study region. According to integrated flood control capability of riverside residents, the characteristic water levers and rainfall threshold values were determined in this case. The results indicate that the warning and safety levels are 54.0 and 55.3 m, respectively. The analysis results show that the warning should be issued when the net rainfall intensity is 70 mm h−1 or 110 mm for 6 h condition. And considering the effectiveness of disaster avoidance, variable characteristic water levers of the hydrologic station for flood warning in different village were determined on the basis of the flood control capability of each village. The relationship between hydrologic numerical value and inundating influence was established in a one-to-n way.