出版社:Brazilian Association of Sleep and Latin American Federation of Sleep Societies
摘要:Abnormal clot microstructure plays a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of thromboembolic diseases. Assessing the viscoelastic properties of clot microstructure using novel parameters, Time to Gel Point (T GP ), Fractal Dimension (d f ) and clot elasticity (G׳ GP ) could explain the increased cardiovascular and thromboembolic events in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS). We wanted to compare T GP , d f , and G׳ GP and their diurnal variation in OSAHS and symptomatic comparators. thirty six patients attending a sleep disturbed breathing clinic with symptoms of OSAHS were recruited. T GP , d f and G׳ GP were measured alongside standard coagulation screening, thrombin generation assays, and platelet aggregometry at 16:00 h and immediately after an in-patient sleep study at 07:30 h. OSAHS group had significantly lower afternoon d f than comparators (1.705±0.033 vs. 1.731±0.031, p<0.05). d f showed diurnal variation and only in the OSAHS group, being significantly lower in the afternoon than morning (p<0.05). Diurnal changes in d f correlated with 4% DR, even after controlling for BMI (r=0.37, p=0.02). The lower d f in the afternoon in OSAHS suggests a partial compensatory change that may make up for other pro-clotting abnormalities/hypertension during the night. The change to the thrombotic tendency in the afternoon is biggest in severe OSAHS. d f Shows promise as a new microstructural indicator for abnormal haemostasis in OSAHS.