摘要:Data from English show that VP ellipsis only occurs when, in Syntax, a verbal element is in a functional head that locally c-comands the ellipsis. However, if we accept this analysis, we cannot explain languages in which T and C have uninterpretable features that force the verb to move beforeSpell Out but do not allow VP ellipsis, as in Spanish, French and German. In this paper we defend that whatever determines parametric variation in VP ellipsis is related to whether or not the verbal element that occupies the licensing functional head locally c-commands the immediate projection that is interpretedas the sentence verbal predicate. If there is an intervening projection between the licensing node and the projection interpreted as the sentence verbal predicate, VP ellipsis is not possible. We will rely on parametric differences involving AspP, showing that languages will vary in allowing Asp to be an extension of vP, and hence permitting or not VP ellipsis.