摘要:In Canadian law, the concept of autonomy is individualistic in nature, manifest as the capacity, or legal ability of an individual to actively understand the purpose and consequences of their actions according to whether they have faculties to comprehend and weigh risks and benefits. Feminist scholars critique such conceptualizations of autonomy and, instead, argue the importance of “relational autonomy” which is predicated on the view that actions result from one’s own volition in combination with the influence of one’s social and relational connections. In this paper, we examine the dynamics and implications of relational autonomy in decision-making by adults with developmental disabilities by studying adults with developmental disabilities in interaction with their caregiving family members. Our purpose is to contribute understandings of how and in what ways family caregiving relational contexts both support and hinder decision-making by adults with developmental disabilities. We begin with an overview of conceptualizations and applications of autonomy, then illustrate relational autonomy dynamics through comparative analysis of data from two women with developmental disabilities who were interviewed together with their family caregivers about successes and struggles in giving and receiving care and making decisions. These two women, and their family caregivers (N=9) are selected from a larger sample of adults with developmental disabilities and their family caregivers (N = 26) because the contrasts, as well as the similarities, between their family care situations are striking, and taken together, illustrate a range of ways in which decision-making is supported and hindered. We conclude by upholding the importance of relational autonomy for legal understandings of decision-making, yet we caution that critical examination of relationship dynamics is vital. En droit canadien, le concept de l’autonomie est un concept individualiste de par sa nature et est perçu comme l’aptitude, physique ou juridique, d’une personne à comprendre activement l’objet et les conséquences de ses actes en fonction de la question de savoir si elle possède les facultés voulues pour apprécier et soupeser les risques et les avantages en jeu. Des universitaires féministes critiquent ces conceptualisations de l’autonomie et mettent plutôt l’accent sur l’importance de l’« autonomie relationnelle », qui repose sur l’interaction entre la volonté de la personne et l’influence de ses contacts sociaux et relationnels. Dans le présent document, nous nous penchons sur la dynamique et sur les incidences de l’autonomie relationnelle dans les décisions que prennent les adultes handicapés en étudiant l’interaction d’adultes handicapés avec leurs aidants familiaux. Notre but est de favoriser une meilleure compréhension de la mesure dans laquelle les contextes relationnels dans lesquels se trouvent les aidants familiaux peuvent à la fois appuyer et entraver le processus de prise de décisions chez les adultes handicapés. Après avoir présenté un bref aperçu des conceptualisations et des applications de l’autonomie, nous illustrons la dynamique de l’autonomie relationnelle au moyen d’une analyse comparative de données provenant de deux femmes handicapées qui ont été interrogées ainsi que leurs aidants familiaux au sujet des défis et des réussites liés à la prestation et à la réception de soins et à la prise de décisions. Ces deux femmes et leurs aidants familiaux (N=9) ont été choisis à partir d’un plus grand échantillon d’adultes handicapés et de leurs aidants familiaux (N=26), parce que les contrastes, tout comme les similitudes, entre leurs situations sont frappants et que, examinées ensemble, ces données illustrent différentes façons dont la prise de décisions est appuyée et entravée. Nous concluons en insistant sur l’importance de l’autonomie relationnelle pour la compréhension des aspects juridiques de la prise de décisions, tout en soulignant qu’un examen critique de la dynamique des relations est vital.
其他摘要:In Canadian law, the concept of autonomy is individualistic in nature, manifest as the capacity, or legal ability of an individual to actively understand the purpose and consequences of their actions according to whether they have faculties to comprehend and weigh risks and benefits. Feminist scholars critique such conceptualizations of autonomy and, instead, argue the importance of “relational autonomy” which is predicated on the view that actions result from one’s own volition in combination with the influence of one’s social and relational connections. In this paper, we examine the dynamics and implications of relational autonomy in decision-making by adults with developmental disabilities by studying adults with developmental disabilities in interaction with their caregiving family members. Our purpose is to contribute understandings of how and in what ways family caregiving relational contexts both support and hinder decision-making by adults with developmental disabilities. We begin with an overview of conceptualizations and applications of autonomy, then illustrate relational autonomy dynamics through comparative analysis of data from two women with developmental disabilities who were interviewed together with their family caregivers about successes and struggles in giving and receiving care and making decisions. These two women, and their family caregivers (N=9) are selected from a larger sample of adults with developmental disabilities and their family caregivers (N = 26) because the contrasts, as well as the similarities, between their family care situations are striking, and taken together, illustrate a range of ways in which decision-making is supported and hindered. We conclude by upholding the importance of relational autonomy for legal understandings of decision-making, yet we caution that critical examination of relationship dynamics is vital.