出版社:Science Park Research Organization and Counselling LTD
摘要:The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of the science-technology-engineering and mathematics (STEM) integrated argumentation based science learning (ABSL) approach on the resolution of daily life problems and the change of high-level thinking skills. Mixed method was used in the research. The nested pattern is preferred because of majority of qualitative data and to increase the objectivity of the study with quantitative data. Quantitative data were collected with a single group pretest-posttest experimental design. Qualitative data were gathered with document review and daily life problem determination form. The data presented with descriptive and content analysis, frequency, percentage and wilcoxon signed rank test techniques. A homogeneous sample was used in the study. The study was carried out with a randomly chosen class in a mountain village secondary school. As understood from the analysis of the daily life problems before and after the implementation, it was observed as a positive change in the participants thinking about elements such as identification and solution of daily life problems. It is seen that the unresolved problem factor determined for the land factor in hazelnut transportation is removed after the application. According to reflective thinking skills data it was found that participant’s reflective thinking skills “middle” in pre-implementation and in post-implementation it was “high”. The wilcoxon signed rank test was applied to the question of whether the increase in the reflective thinking skills values was meaningful, and it was found that there was no significant difference between pre and post. Various suggestions were made by the research findings.