标题:Wie beurteilen unterschiedliche Meinungslager die Medienberichterstattung zur „Flüchtlingskrise“? Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung zu Hostile-Media-Wahrnehmungen
摘要:Partisans on opposing sides of a conflict or controversial issue tend to perceive media coverage on this issue as biased against their own viewpoints. This is called hostile media effect or hostile media perception. In a survey study in the context of the so-called refugee crisis it was examined how supporters and opponents of a refugee-friendly culture of welcome perceived the tendency of media coverage on this topic. The results of the study show that hostile media perceptions occur in both groups, especially among the opponents of a refugee-friendly culture of welcome. The perceptions correlate with lower trust in the media, a worse evaluation of topic-specific reporting quality, and increased anger.