出版社:University Business Academy - Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Novi Sad, Serbia
摘要:Complex and dynamic changes in the environment have also generated changes in companies; in terms of changes in the structure of production costs and the way of maintaining competitiveness. For the purpose of more precise cost identification; we are witnesses of the accelerated development of cost management methods aimed at improving competitiveness. The work is based on the analysis of literature and practice of cost efficiency management in small and medium enterprises (hereinafter: SMEs) in order to promote the information spectrum of modern cost management methods. Due to constant changes in the today's economy of companies; it is necessary to manage costs in an adequate and subtle way; which implies the application of modern methods. Knowing the effects of strengths and weaknesses of modern methods; the most rational and reliable way is to get as much relevant and accurate information about costs as possible. Contemporary cost management does not completely neglect traditional methods; but affirms the need for the effective selection and a combination of modern management methods. The aim of the paper is to draw attention to the modern concept of cost management in SMEs; and to highlight the scope of the information spectrum of key cost management methods and the concept of their optimal combination in order to improve the competitiveness of SMEs.
关键词:menadžersko računovodstvo; upravljanje troškovima; savremene metode obračuna; konkurentnost