摘要:One of the great challenges of Indonesian society in the 21st Century is globalization. Globalization can lead to greater competition in all areas of people's lives. Basic reading, writing and numeracy skills are no longer sufficient to compete in the 21st Century, which is full of challenges. Education must be able to prepare students to compete in the global community. Every person who lives in the 21st Century must have at least 4 skills, namely critical thinking skills, creative thinking, communication skills and collaboration skills. Mathematics, as a subject taught at school, plays an important role both in dealing with science and technology. Mathematics has a great potential that can equip students to face competition. The great role of mathematics as a basic science, can be seen in the large demands of mathematical skills that must be possessed especially in the face of the 21st Century. Learning mathematics in this Century is required to emphasize the four aspects above as skills that must be possessed in the 21st century.