标题:Implementasi olah data tekanan udara ekstrim dari BMKG untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pokok bahasan tekanan Di SMP Negeri 4 kota Bengkulu
摘要:This Study aims to ;1) produce
pressure simulations in the form of images as teaching materials on the concept of air pressure; 2)
produce teaching materials in grapichal form so that they. This research is a quasi-experimental research
based on purposive sampling technuque with the nonequivalent control group design. The sample in
this study amounted to two classes, namely VIII.1 as a control class and VIII.2 as an experimental class
with a total sample of 30 students in each class. the instrumen in thus study was in the form of objective
testa of 10 questions with four answer choices. The results of the study show: 1) air pressure is influenced
by temperature, altitude of place and the distribution of oceans and land. Highest air pressure of 1013,8
milibar, lowest air pressure of 1004,0 milibar and the average air pressure of 1008,6 milibar; 2) there
are differences in learning outcomes between students taught with instructional materials of extreme air
pressure data from BMKG with inquiry models with students taught with a discussion and assignment
model shown by thitung > ttabel ( 7,63 > 2,01) with a significance level 5 %.
关键词:Tekanan udara; temperatur; ketinggian; model Inkuiri.