期刊名称:Науковий Вісник Південноукраїнського Національного Педагогічного Університету імені К. Д. Ушинського
期号:5 (124)
出版社:State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K D. Ushynsky”
摘要:The analysis of the scientists’ research (E. Amateva, R. Bosha, N. Vetlugina, V. Ezikeeva, N. Karpinskaya, E. Lukina, L. Pankratova, I. Popova, O. Ushakova) on the problem regarding children’s perception of artistic images and figurative and expressive speech development of the senior pre-schoolers is presented. The key notion of the study “figurative expressive speech” is defined; it consists of two notions: figurative speech and expressive speech. Figurative speech is considered as a personal quality, capable of provoking child’s visual and sensual representations, associatively interconnected in the process of subjective reflection of reality by special linguistic means. Expressive speech is marked as the speaker’s ability to emotionally influence the interlocutor by means of language expressiveness, in particular, expressive and figurative vocabulary. The author presents the figurative and expressive speech as the quality of speech, thanks to which speech acquires stylistic coloring, emotionality, imagery, expressiveness. The specific features of the preschool aged children’s figurative speech are revealed in the article. An experimental technique for the development of figurative and expressive speech alongside with the results achieved are described.