摘要:This research aims to get the characteristic of the reclamation land tenure, inventorying policies related to the reclamation and legal regulation models of reclamation in Madura. This empirical legal research results that the most of land tenure reclaimed comes from the head of village permission. Policies of the reclamation in fact sectoral even though fourth districts having local regulation on spatial planning. Local regulation about reclamation is needed for coordination and synchronization between central and local authorities, for supporting Act No. 27 Year 2007 about Coastal Management Areas and Small Islands, also Presidential Regulation No. 122 year 2012 about Reclamation .
其他摘要:Abstract This research aims to get the characteristic of the reclamation land tenure, inventorying policies related to the reclamation and legal regulation models of reclamation in Madura. This empirical legal research results that the most of land tenure reclaimed comes from the head of village permission. Policies of the reclamation in fact sectoral even though fourth districts having local regulation on spatial planning. Local regulation about reclamation is needed for coordination and synchronization between central and local authorities, for supporting Act No. 27 Year 2007 about Coastal Management Areas and Small Islands, also Presidential Regulation No. 122 year 2012 about Reclamation . Key words : Regulation, Reclamation, Coastal Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan karakteristik penguasaan hak atas tanah hasil reklamasi, inventarisir kebijakan terkait reklamasi dan rumusan model pengaturan hukum reklamasi di Madura. Hasil penelitian hukum empiris ini mendapati bahwa kebanyakan penguasaan tanah hasil reklamasi berasal dari ijin yang diberikan oleh Kepala Desa. Kebijakan terkait pelaksanaan reklamasi masih bersifat sektoral meskipun keempat kabupaten telah mempunyai Peraturan Daerah tentang RTRW. Diperlukan “Peraturan Daerah” tentang reklamasi untuk menciptakan koordinasi dan sinkronisasi antara kewenangan pusat dan daerah. Peraturan Daerah tentang reklamasi ini untuk mendukung pelaksanaan UU nomor 27 tahun 2007 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil, juga Peraturan Presiden tentang reklamasi. Kata Kunci : Pengaturan, Reklamasi, Pantai