期刊名称:Engagement: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
出版社:Asosiasi Dosen Pengembang Masyarajat (ADPEMAS), FKDP KOPERTAIS IV
摘要:In supporting the environmental conservation program, protecting the earth from damage caused by human activities and unfriendly activities, it is necessary to instill early education about preserving the environment and conservation the earth free of garbage while reducing the impact of global warming. One of the schools that was moved to implement the go green was SDI Miftahul Huda Plosokandang Tulungagung Regency. And this issue are green school and waste management was carried out in the empowerment of educational institution communities. The method used in empowerment is Community Based Research (CAR) with the Asset Based Approach (ABA) approach which includes four stages, namely: the division of human resource assets, natural resource assets, physical assets, and social assets. The results of empowerment through excavation of assets owned by the school arises an awareness of environmental stewardship and conservation of the earth to minimize the impact of global warming, declaration of schools as green schools and waste management. The actualization of the green school came the empowerment action programs, namely: 1)Activities for Curriculum Development Based on Environmental and Community-Based Education 2) Development of school management based on environmental; and 3) Improving the quality of school areas and environmentally friendly surroundings through the use of school land as green school, making biotic laboratories, and making compost from waste.