首页    期刊浏览 2024年06月18日 星期二


  • 标题:Conceptual Foundations of the Academic Course “Traditional Music in Culture of Peoples of the World”
  • 其他标题:Концептуальные основы вузовского курса «Традиционная музыкальная культура народов мира»
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  • 作者:Yulia S. Ovchinnikova
  • 期刊名称:Музыкальное искусство и образование
  • 印刷版ISSN:2309-1428
  • 出版年度:2019
  • 卷号:7
  • 期号:1
  • 页码:40-59
  • DOI:10.31862/2309-1428-2019-7-1-40-59
  • 出版社:Moscow Pedagogical State University, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
  • 摘要:In Russia the teaching of traditional music of peoples of the world is realized in higher education institutions with specialization in musicology, performing art and in solitary cases in music pedagogics. The actual dialogue between sound and musical traditions and acquisition of musical polylingualism of the world by nonprofessional musicians shows a clear need for including into the variable component of higher humanitarian education a subject focused on complex, interdisciplinary study of world music with orientation on development of intercultural competence of future specialists. The author generalizes her 12 years’ experience in teaching the course “Traditional music in culture of peoples of the world” at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University for students of the following educational programs: “Linguistics and Intercultural Communication”, “Area Studies and International Relations”, “Culture Studies”. Also the experience of teaching this course as interfaculty subject (2019) is recognized. The theoretical foundations of the course, culture study approach to the world music, pedagogical technics, music and cultural content, results of the work are regarded.
  • 关键词:традиционная музыка в культуре народов мира; этническая музыка; музыкальные культуры мира; традиционные му- зыкальные инструменты; концепция курса; педагогические основы пре- подавания; музыкальная культурология.