首页    期刊浏览 2024年06月29日 星期六


  • 标题:Pedagogical Meaning of Study of Transformation Musical Practices of Peoples of the World in Modern Education
  • 其他标题:Педагогическая значимость постижения трансформационных музыкальных практик народов мира в современном образовании
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  • 作者:Yulia S. Ovchinnikova
  • 期刊名称:Музыкальное искусство и образование
  • 印刷版ISSN:2309-1428
  • 出版年度:2019
  • 卷号:7
  • 期号:2
  • 页码:57-76
  • DOI:10.31862/2309-1428-2019-7-2-57-76
  • 出版社:Moscow Pedagogical State University, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
  • 摘要:Nowadays the Russian education is living a raw of system changes, where formation of student’s personal agency, of skill for learning and for self-development during the whole life, for elaborating the way of actualization of their own intentions are becoming the main tasks of the learning process. The abilities for self-understanding, self-development and self-actualization are connected with a category of personal transformation. The keys for its understanding could be found in the experience of traditional cultures that despite their bent for constancy are full of transformational motifs. The important role in this process belongs to “symbols of transformation”. One of the most effective between them is music that accompanies all the important events of human life in the context of traditional culture. The main mechanism for personal transformation is activity of musical experiencing. The comparative study of traditional cultures gives possibility to offer the following typology of transformational practices of work with musical experiencing: 1. Musical practices for passing the borderline states between dream and wakefulness. 2. Rites of passage and initiation. 3. Practices of individual and joint intoning of experiencing. 4. Healing practices. 5. Transformational practices of storytelling sessions. 6. Rituals of spiritual renovation. 7. Spiritual musical practices in education. 8. Dance transformational practices. In all of them music takes on the role: of internal subjective experience; of “live sound” that influences the whole human organism but not only the acoustic analyzer; of means for symbolization of experiencing; of a way of internal “growing” – from concentration in point of painful experiencing into the wide, endless “Self”; of marker of internal changes; of a metaphor of experiencing activity for transformation of internal world. The study of transformational musical practices in modern education helps to achieve the deeper level in world culture study, to understand the variety, typology and mechanisms of musical influence on a human in different traditions; widens the range of methods for work with musical experiencing; forms pedagogical tools for modern developmental, psychotherapeutic and educational practices; reveals the role of music as means for symbolization of experiencing; shows spiritual foundations of musical traditions of different peoples that form emotional and axiological attitude to them; enriches with wide range of cultural symbols for understanding and composing person’s own life.
  • 关键词:трансформационные практики; трансформация лич- ности; работа с музыкальным переживанием; становление субъектно- сти; самопознание; саморазвитие; самореализация; традиционная куль- тура народов мира; музыкотерапия; целительские практики в традици- онных культурах; музыкальное образование.