摘要:Emergencies represent inevitable problems of contemporary society. They have a specific difficulty
level determined by a multitude of factors. For these reasons we proposed to do a study on emergencies
accessibility within a geographic area with a specific category of risk, considering it useful and topical,
but also a solid ground to elaborate this sort of analysis.
The purpose of the present paper is to demonstrate the way in which the GIS technology can help the
emergency services achieve the optimal level to solve every emergency as effectively as possible.
Among the goals of this study is deploying modern methods and techniques of cartographic analysis to
achieve cartographic and statistical results that will visually expose and quantify the level of accessibility of Suceava county population to various emergency services, depending on the geographic position
of each locality and its assignation toward the closest professional intervention service in emergency
In this context, it becomes particularly important the demonstration the applicability of modern techniques of GIS usage and their implementation in various surveys, which can generate differentiations
on categories between several zones of investigated area, based on factor analysis and of favorability of
the zone analyzed related to the points of interest in the immediate vicinity.