摘要:This study will discuss the form of class language in a collection of short stories. Interestingly in Indonesian in a unique collection of unique short stories to be studied, because most of the others have not thought form kias in a literature. Kias are always only examined in the form of text utterances containing the mandate of parents and so on. This research uses Keraf theory (2010) as a form of kias language style, and kias meaning using Manaf (2008) and Aminuddin (2008) theory. The method which is the method ordered by Sudaryanto (1993). The results of this study found that the forms and meanings of language styles found most often in the book Satu Hari Bukan di Hari Minggu Yetti A.Ka's work is simile, personification, irony, cynicism, sarcasm and epithet which refers to the meaning that corresponds to the short story text and in accordance with the context of the short story.