摘要:[Editors’ Comment: The following is the text of Mr. Kenny's remarks at the Second European Corporate Governance Conference, which was organized by the Vlerick Management Institute and the University of Gent, Belgium, and held at the Belgian National Bank, Brussels, 28 & 29 November 2002. The conference, which was convened by Professor Lutgart Van den Berghe of the University of Gent, was dedicated to the intensive debate over the marks and characteristics of “European Capitalism” in light of the international corporate governance debate, which has been affected by the recent earthquakes in the confidence of investors, shareholders and stakeholders precipitated by the corporate scandals of Enron, Worldcom, Global Crossing and others. The conference also took note of the impact of America's new Sarbanes-Oxley legislation, which seeks to respond to the wave of corporate scandals, on the international corporate governance debate.