出版社:Asociación Nacional de Psicología Evolutiva y Educativa de la Infancia Adolescencia Mayores y Discapacidad
摘要:Our work aims to obtain information on that Personality variables have an increased discrimination power or better quantify the differences between levels of victimization in bullying. The total sample consisted of 700 adolescent students , 43 % women and 57 % men with a mean age of 13.98 years. We used the questionnaire Coexistence School (Ombudsman , 2006) and the BFQ -NA questionnaire (Big Five Questionnaire- Children and Teens ) created by Barbaranelli , Caprara and Rabasca ( Barbaranelli , Caprara & Rabasca , 1998; Barbaranelli , Caprara , Rabasca & Pastorelli, 2003 ), consisting of a total of five factors or dimensions that represent the personality of the adolescent: Consciousness , opening, Friendliness , Extraversion and Neuroticism or Emotional Inestability. Regarding the results of our research, we can conclude that high levels of victimization in bullying, would be characterized by high scores on Neuroticism and emotional instability.