出版社:Asociación Nacional de Psicología Evolutiva y Educativa de la Infancia Adolescencia Mayores y Discapacidad
摘要:"Inclusive education" is a new way of living education, whereby, all the subjects have place in the educational system and where every student, is enriched by this diversity. This study shows how children without Special Educational Needs (SEN), enrolled in a school with High Degree of Inclusion, show higher levels in the Quality of Life as well as in several dimensions, compared to those students enrolled in a traditional educational system. Through this research, it is also shown how students who have joined the school with High Degree of Inclusion, have higher scores in the Quality of Life and its various dimensions, when they have spent more time experiencing this particular and natural way of living education.
关键词:Educación inclusiva; escuela inclusiva; calidad de vida infantil y calidad de vida adolescente