摘要:This quantitative study examined the relationship between implementation of a PositiveBehavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program and academic achievement, attendance,and discipline. The data was collected from schools from South Texas Educational Regions One,Two, and Twenty. The public middle school campuses for this study were chosen based ondemographics, size, and PBIS implementation. Campuses were similar in demographics and sizeand were also be PBIS implementing campuses as well and non PBIS campuses. Data wasobtained through the 2017-2018 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) published byTexas Education Agency (TEA) for each campus to assess attendance, academic achievement inReading and Math on The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), anddiscipline. The design used for this study was a non-experimental study that examined thestatistical relation between PBIS, academic achievement, attendance, and discipline. The studyinvestigated two schools from each of the educational regions listed, one school being a PBISimplementing school and the other implementing no form of PBIS. The two groups from eachregion were compared by attendance, academic achievement in Reading and Math as determinedby STAAR, and discipline, through TAPR data released by TEA.