摘要:"Introduction: Sickle cell disorder is an autosomal recessive condition, in which inheritance of an affected gene from both parents results in a disorder. SCD is more prevalent among the socio- economically dis-advantaged and medically under-served communities mainly in Tapi District of Gujarat. Objectives: 1.To study Awareness Regarding Sickle Cell Disease or Trait among the affected 2.To find out the association between the awareness level and the socio-demographic profile of the subjects. Methodology: Descriptive Cross-sectional study was carried out in Janak Smarak hospital in Vyara Town, Tapi District, for a period of one year and minimum of 75 per-sons with SCD and 150 persons with SCT were taken for the study. Results: The overall Knowledge re-garding disease was averaging only at 15 %. The categorization of sub-ject having “Good” or “Not so good” among the subject were pre-dominantly poor with a majority of them showing Not so Good condi-tion (84%) whereas only 16% showed good Knowledge. Conclusion: The overall Knowledge regarding disease was averaging only at 15 % which showed that the awareness seems to be grossly defi-cit even among the affected. It hence shows that the counseling of the disease among the affected was not adequate. So Counselling & IEC can play a very important role to elimi-nate the disease from the communi-ty. "