摘要:"Background: Globally, among the leading preventable causes of premature deaths tobacco stands on the top. The consumption patterns of tobacco in various forms of chew-ing and smoking vary across differ-ent regions and socioeconomic lev-els. Objectives: To study tobacco con-sumption pattern in two districts of Gujarat and compare among them. Methodology: A cross sectional study was carried out on 504 partic-ipants during January 2015 to Sep-tember 2016 among 15-64 years age group. A pre designed and pre test-ed Questionnaire was used to col-lect data on tobacco consumption pattern. Descriptive and analytical statistical methods were used for the data analysis. Results: Smoking was reported among 11.51% and 18.25% in Gandhinagar and Mehsana district respectively. Out of which around 90% of them in both district were smoking daily. 34.52% of the stud-ied population in Mehsana district was using smokeless tobacco as compared to Gandhinagar district (26.19%). Initiation of smoking was in later age as compared to smoke-less tobacco. Conclusion: Present study con-cludes that large number of people including younger population was using smokeless tobacco in both districts. Early initiation of use of smokeless tobacco suggests an ur-gent need for action."