摘要:In this paper, we investigate the complexity of a number of computational problems defined on a synchronous boolean finite dynamical system, where update functions are chosen from a template set of exclusive-or and its negation. We first show that the reachability and path-intersection problems are solvable in logarithmic space-uniform AC¹ if the objects execute permutations, while the reachability problem is known to be in P and the path-intersection problem to be in UP in general. We also explore the case where the reachability or intersection are tested on a subset of objects, and show that this hardens complexity of the problems: both problems become NP-complete, and even Î ^pâ,,-complete if we further require universality of the intersection. We next consider the exact cycle length problem, that is, determining whether there exists an initial configuration that yields a cycle in the configuration space having exactly a given length, and show that this problem is NP-complete. Lastly, we consider the t-predecessor and t-Garden of Eden problem, and prove that these are solvable in polynomial time even if the value of t is also given in binary as part of instance, and the two problems are in logarithmic space-uniform NC² if the value of t is given in unary as part of instance.
关键词:Computational complexity; dynamical systems; Garden of Eden; predecessor; reachability