摘要:Magnon-tuning non-volatile magnetic dynamics is investigated in a CoZr/PMN-PT structure by measuring ferromagnetic resonance at room temperature. The electric-field control of ferromagnetic resonance shows loop-like behavior, which indicates non-volatile electric-field control of the magnetism. Further, fitting the curves of in-plane rotating angle versus ferromagnetic resonance field under different electric fields shows that the effective magnetic field changes in loop-like manner with the electric field. The resulting change in non-volatile saturation magnetization with electric field is consistent with that of a polarization electric field curve. A 1.04% change of saturation magnetization is obtained, which can be attributed to a magnon-driven magnetoelectric coupling at the CoZr/PMN-PT interface. This magnon-driven magnetoelectric coupling and its dynamic magnetic properties are significant for developing future magnetoelectric devices.