期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
出版社:Seventh Sense Research Group
摘要:This paper proposes to present an analytical study of the impact of Digital humanities and literary study in the electronic era. The digital age advanced with prevalent digital communication in the field of Humanities. Adam Hammond’s “Intro to DH” pays an iconic opening of sharing a wider knowledge of literary theory in digital format. The Digital age helps to access ebooks; selfpublish authors work and connect to the global audience. Humanities and Literature flourished through the print era and advanced through video games for story narration. While framing syllabi on “Intro to DH” the author divided his book into four units and explains his theory in a vibrant way. The first with the progress of writings in the digital age and the second is of Digitalization. The third unit is on the evolution of video games for story narration and the fourth unit dealt with print in the digital age.
关键词:Digital humanities; E-books; video games; Digitalization; Print Era