标题:Estimation of the source model for the foreshock of the 2004 off the Kii peninsula earthquakes and strong ground motion simulation of the hypothetical Tonankai earthquake using the empirical Green’s function method
摘要:We estimated the source model for the foreshock of the 2004 off the Kii peninsula earthquakes by empirical Green’s function modeling. The size and the rise time of the strong motion generation area (SMGA) were estimated to be 30 × 15 km, and 0.9 sec, respectively. The stress drop of the SMGA was calculated to be 8.3 MPa. This model could reproduce long-period ground motions following the direct S-wave observed in the Osaka basin well. Using the derived source parameters, we simulated strong motions of the hypothetical Tonankai earthquake. Distribution of the seismic intensity derived here is similar to that obtained by the previous report. We could predict long-period ground motions which last for a long duration at the basin sites.
关键词:Empirical Green’s function method; foreshock of the 2004 off the Kii peninsula earthquakes; source
model; stress drop; strong ground-motion simulation; hypothetical Tonankai earthquake