摘要:As G.H.A. Juynboll claimed that isnad started in the 70 s of the first century of Hijra and there was an obscurity between the death date of Prophet Muhammad and this period which a number of common links simply invented many of their alleged authorities in order to complete this obscurity. Juynboll’s theory as fallowes: "Another probably fictitious mu 'ammar about whom even less is recorded in the historical sources, is al-Ma’rur b. Suwayd, who is said to have died aged 120 years, again in 82Á. And A’'mash is again the cl (common link) who most probably invented him." But we 'll put forward the theory that A 'mash didn 't invent al-Ma 'rür b. Suwayd.
关键词:- ; Muammerun ; A'meş-Ma'nur bin Süveyd
其他关键词:Mu' ammarün (long lived ones) ; A 'mash ; al-Ma 'rür b. Suwayd ; isnad ; Common link