摘要:This paper presents the results and analysis of two cracking tests carried on specimens of silty clay. One specimen was prepared in slurry conditions without applying energy and the other specimen was compacted. They were dried in an environmental chamber at a constant temperature and relative humidity to study the effect of the initial consistency on the cracking behaviour. Weight measurements and photographic images taken at regular intervals documented the evolution of the specimens. THM models were then carried to capture the unsaturated flow in the porous medium due to evaporation, and its resulting shrinkage. All the numerical analyses were coupled, incorporating the effect of porosity change on the balance equations and the constitutive model. The transfer coefficients in the imposed drying boundary condition were based on calculations of aerodynamic surface resistances, taking into consideration the new fronts for evaporation created by the cracks. The constructed numerical model results capture the gravimetric water content loss and the occurring shrinkage for both specimen conditions.