摘要:The soil arching effect is an important premise for anti-slide piles to exert the retaining ability. Pile space is an essential factor for the design of piles and is related to the soil arching behind piles. However, previous studies rarely considered the friction soil arching effect between piles and regarded the axis stress uniformly distributed. In this research, a method considering end-bearing soil arching and friction soil arching simultaneously was proposed to calculate the reasonable pile spacing. The said method considered the general shear failure and the yielding failure of these two soil arching. The yielding stress of inner-edge point and outer-edge point at arch-foot of the end-bearing soil arching were taken into consideration respectively. Based on the ultimate balance theory, the controlling equations of pile spacing were established. The case study showed that the method in this research conforms better to practice compared to previous researches. Matlab programming was employed to realize the automatic calculation.