摘要:This study aims to describe how communication patterns and symbolic meaning in the procession of Cirebon sintren ritual. The data that researchers use are limited to traditional songs accompanying sintren procession so that the research discussion can be explained in a focused and directed manner. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using the ethnographic theory of communication. Research data analyzed using domain analysis techniques based on unit theory analysis presented by Dell Hymes about the setting (communication situation), event (communication event), and act (communication act). The results showed that the choice of the floral lexicon ginger, galangal, and zingiber in traditional song lyric during sintren ritual reflects the characteristics of Cirebon society who live in areas with geographical conditions of lowlands and highlands. These three floral lexicons are everyday plants that they encounter; meaning language use in a society cannot be separated from its natural environment. Meanwhile the symbolic meaning in the fragment of the song and the gesture of the sintren procession reflect the state of society during the colonial period.