期刊名称:TIPA. Travaux interdisciplinaires sur la parole et le langage
出版社:Laboratoire parole et langage
摘要:Danscet hommageà Dominique Boutetetàl’approche kinésiologique qu’ilafondée, AliyahMorgenstern tente defairerésonner ses souvenirs des duos scientifiques qu’ils ont jouéensembleavecl’œuvreécrite dece partenairescientifique hors du commun rassemblée dans lesarticles publiéset le document desynthèse d’Habilitation (Boutet, 2018). Cetteapprochefondéesur uneconnaissanceintime dela biomécanique du corps humain estcentréesur lerôlestructurant du corps dans les gestes (et les langues signées). L’article présenteles fondements del’approche, une description synoptiqueet deux exemples d’application. Il porteessentiellementsur l’analyse des gestes interactionnels produitsen conversation qui ont fait l’objet de plusieurs travaux collectifs menésen FranceetenRussie. In this tributeto Dominique Boutetand the kinesiologicalapproach hefounded, AliyahMorgenstern tries to make her memories ofthescientific duets they played together resonate with the writtenwork ofthisextraordinary scientific partner, gathered in his published articlesand his habilitation document (Boutet, 2018). Thisapproach based on an intimate knowledge ofthe biomechanics ofthe human body iscentered on the structuring role ofthe body in gestures (and signed languages). Thearticle presents thefoundations oftheapproach,asynoptic description and two examples ofapplication. Itmainly relates to theanalysis ofinteractive gestures produced in conversationwhich have been thesubject ofseveral collectivestudiescarried out in Franceand Russia. The originality ofthe kinesiologicalapproach (fromthe Greek kinësis, movementand logos, speech, science) lies in the doublerevolution that it allows us to operate: on the one hand gestureis notsimply an appendix ofspeech; on the other hand, it is shaped by bodily physiology. The approach is based on the movements ofthe human body analyzed froma biomechanical point of view. The meaning of our gestural productions is the produce of our body,as it is naturally articulated, imprinted as it is by our pastexperiences. Theanalysis of"co-verbal"gestures (but wecould also describe verbal production as being co-gestural) whichwe willcallexpressiveand interactional, is often "contaminated"(Boutet, 2010: 77) by co-occurring speech. It is however important to make multimodal or plurisemiotic analyses without being influenced by thelinearity ofthe verbalflow. Indeed, gesturesarecompositional. We do not only refer to itsco-articulation with speech (in thecase ofsubjects producing a vocallanguageand withoutspeaking ofsigned productions, which arethemselvescompositional), noreven to itsco-articulationwith gaze, facialexpressions, postures, but to thefact thateach gesture produced with one ofthe upper limbs is potentially composed ofmovements oftheshoulder,arms, forearms, hands, fingersand that this is often coordinated with the movements ofthe other upper limb. Thereis thereforeafineand complex orchestration to study in gestures which opens onto a multilinear path ofmeaning (Boutet, 2010: 77). In order to capturetheentirety ofthis dynamic orchestration, we need to understand that the body does not onlytransport gesture, it informs it. Morethan a support, it is a substrate(Boutet&Cuxac, 2008) (Boutet, 2010: 78). The kinesiologicalapproach to gestureis formal(theformof gestures shapes their meaning or function). Itallows us to integrate gestures into what wecalllanguageand to capture howthe body structures our language practices. The materiality ofthe body has the potentialto shape our environment, our tools, our objects, thespaces weinhabit (Leroi-Gourhan, 1993). For Boutet (2018), thestructuring oftheseartefacts isclosely linked to praxic gestures, themselves in fullcontinuitywith symbolic gestures. Referentsare notconsidered to be mainly associated with gestures through the human capacity to build analogies, but their meaning is directly shaped by the gestures produced and their dynamics. Gestural unitsare described on the basis oftheir formalcharacteristicsand physiologicalconstraints rather than their imagisticiconicity. Boutet’s work mostly focused on the upper limbs for which severalsegmentscan beset inmotion during a gesturalexcursion. Movementand flow areat thecore ofthe kinesiologicalapproach. Theflowlinks onesegment to the nextand either spreads fromtheshoulder to thefingertips,and is called "proximal-distal", or itspreads fromthe hands to theshoulders,and it iscalled "distal-proximal". Ifthe movement is only localized in one segment ofthe body (the hand, theshoulder, the head ...), then there will be no apparent flow. In addition, theinertias ofeach segmentmust be taken into account in theanalysis of gesturesand the proximal-distalflowwill beimpacted by gravity and willthereforerequirelessenergy than the distal-proximalflowfor which it will be necessary to go against gravity. Thanks to a method thatcombines manualcorpusannotations, motion captureand perception tests, Boutetanalyzesand isolates gestures that seemformally very similarand seeks to clarify a network ofrelationships thatare based on theconstraintsand affordances ofthe body and that informtheir semanticlinks. By applying a kinesiologicalapproach and by combining the possibilities offered by newtechnologiesand thecollectiveskills ofmultidisciplinary teams ofresearchers, it will be possibleto putmovementat the heart of ouranalyses of gesturesand to change paradigm. Boutet responded in his ownway to thecalllaunched in 1998 byCornelia Müller to make gesturalstudiesa disciplinein its own right. In his research, hecombined a wide variety ofscientificand artistic domains which put the body at thecenter oftheiranalysis. By bringing together severalcommunitiesand disciplinesand by recreating thesynergies that he wasableto formon his own, we hopeto beableto implement his research programcollectively.