摘要:In this shortessay, two books recently published in Italy areexamined:Massimiano Bucchi’s Comevincere un premio Nobel. Il premio più famoso della scienza,and Emiliano Brancaccio and Giacomo Bracci’s Il discorso del potere. Il premio Nobel per l’Economia tra scienza, ideologia e politica. The books dealwith complementary topics:theformer isabout thecentury-old historyNobelPrizeinChemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, whereas thelatter deals with theshorter history ofthe Prizeinmemory ofAlfred Nobelfor Economic Sciences. Both books provideinsightfulreflections for sociology ofscienceand epistemology,and demonstrate(or recall) that the NobelPrize makesa privileged ground foreither teaching and doing research in these disciplines.