摘要:The article presents an analysis of the narratives published by the newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and O Globo, in their digital editions, about the event named by the media as “Caso Yoki”, posted in the first ten days of June 2012. The case in question refers to the murder of Marcos Matsunaga by his wife Elize Matsunagano on May 19, 2012. The objective is to identify, through Content Analysis (Bardin, 2011), the frameworks that prevailed in the news studied. It starts from the assumption that the way the occurrence was presented by the websites reveals traits that characterize contemporary society. It was possible to verify, through the analysis undertaken, that the portals framed the event from predominantly descriptive narratives, based on statements made by institutional sources, mainly those linked to the legal institution. The focus of the texts posted by the journalistic vehicles considered fell on the investigations made on the case. Note the absence of narratives that presented contextual or analytical reflections on the event. These findings corroborate the hypothesis that contemporaneity has been marked by the prevalence of logical narratives associated with the dimensions of the spectacle, the ephemeral and the immediacy.
关键词:Acontecimento; Caso Yoki; Jornalismo; Enquadramento; Contemporaneidade;