摘要:This paper discusses the ways in which the individual interactions of Black academics can relate, more widely, to the collective configuration of racial conflicts and tensions in educational spaces, as well as the obstacles and impacts of Black and decolonial knowledge production in universities. Inspired by Black feminists’ practices, I relate my experiences in this space to theory, alongside with Black students’ accounts put together through the hashtag #MeuProfessorRacista (My Racist Teacher) and other Black intellectuals’ reflections about the issue. The paper evidences some of the ways in which racism and Black resistance emerge in our academic lives and how the analysis of the experiences narrated by Black people in spaces of knowledge construction, visibility and power reveals correlations with the collective dimension of Black belonging and the efforts for decolonizing knowledge.
关键词:Racismo nas universidades; Violência epistêmica; Feminismo negro; Interseccionalidade; Luta antirracista;