期刊名称:Index of Texas Archaeology: Open Access Gray Literature from the Lone Star State
出版社:Stephen F. Austin State University
摘要:As a result of a City of Helotes undertaking funded by TxDOT, an intensive pedestrian survey was carried across approximately seven total acres of trail and park space, as well as a pedestrian bridge, improvements to the parking and sidewalk space (i.e., benches and trashcans) along Riggs Road, and pedestrian crossing at Scenic Loop Road and Highway 16. Work was carried out in coordination with TxDOT and the THC under Antiquities Permit Number 7512, issued to David Yelacic, RPA, and fieldwork was conducted in late December 2015 by Yelacic with assistance from Tanner Jason, field scientist. Overall, systematic pedestrian survey and 10 total shovel test excavations failed to encounter any historic or prehistoric cultural materials and revealed that much of the APE was previously impacted by land use and considerable flooding in the recent past. Given our negative findings, it is Terracon’s opinion that no archaeological resources would be effected by the proposed undertaking. We therefore recommend that the project be permitted to proceed as planned without further considerations of archaeological resources. If archaeological resources are encountered during the course of construction, however, then work should cease immediately and Terracon archaeologists and proper authorities (i.e., THC and TxDOT) should be contacted as quickly as reasonably possible.