摘要:Traction networks (TN) 25 kV generate higher electromagnetic fields (EMF) with frequency 50 Hz, whose strengths at a standardized height of 1.8 m, as a rule, do not exceed the permissible norms for electrical personnel. In places where railroads routes intersect with high voltage overhead power supply lines (OPL), interference of fields, generated by the traction network and OPL, occurs. This can lead to an increase in strengths and a complication of the EMF spatial structures. The article presents simulation results performed for a complex intersection, while 25 or 2 х 25 kV TN is crossed by a three-circuit 110-220 kV overhead power line at 90 degrees angle. Fazonord software application was used for simulating EMF strengths in points of traction networks and OPL intersection. Based on modeling results the following conclusions have been made: at intersection points of 1х25 kV traction network with a three-chain 110 - 220 kV power transmission line, the electrical field strength does not exceed the value acceptable for electrical personnel and reaches 4.2 kV/m; at the intersection with 2 х 25 kV traction network, this parameter decreases to 2.7 kV/m; the maximum amplitude of the magnetic field at the intersection points increases slightly.