摘要:An objective analysis of multidimensional media flows in the implementation of the concept of sustainable development of the urban environment is based on methods of statistical data processing, the sample of which is subject to certain constraints to improve the reliability statistical conclusions. In particular, the presence of serial correlation in the series of a random variable reduces the reliability of statistical estimates. This paper proposes a method for assessing the intensity of information flows generated by a separate media source against the background of two different dominant informational agendas: before and after the outbreak of coronavirus infection. The technique makes it possible to assess the probability of the media generating messages of a given discourse taking into account the autocorrelation of the series. The developed and implemented algorithm for assessing the likelihood of information messages on a given topic can be used in the future to study the stability of information “intrusions” into the target media space, as well as to simulate the consequences of the implementation of measures for the digital transformation of the urban environment within the concept of its sustainable development.