摘要:Cetarticleanalyse,àtravers l’observation desconditions derevendication sur des biensen déshérence d’uneinstancealgéroise ottomane, le Bayt
al-mâl, les procédures misesen formeàl’appui dela défense dece droit. Ilconsidèrecertaines des situations quienmontrent les ressorts. Dans
une première partiel’analysesefocalisesur lesconditions, d’unetransaction àl’issue delaquellele Baytal-mâl obtint les moyens d’exercerces
prérogatives. Une deuxième partieanalyseles logiquescroisées des revendicationsconcurrentes sur les biens sans maitre,enmontrant quela
juridiction duBaytal-mâltoutcommeles familleset lescommunautés villageoises ou tribales s’affrontaientsurce mêmeterrain en des termes
其他摘要:This article analyses the procedures of an Algerian Ottoman authority, the Bayt al-mâl, to support the defense claims of property in disinheritance. It considers some of the situations that show the reasons for it. In a first part the analysis focuses on the conditions of a transaction at the end of which Bayt al-mâl obtained the means to exercise these prerogatives. A second part analyses the intersecting logics of competing claims on properties without owner, showing that the authority of Bayt al-mâl as well as families and village or tribal communities confronted each other on this same ground in similar terms.
关键词:RitualHeir (‘âsiḅ ); BurialRitual; Responsibility; Property inDisinheritance; Family; Village Community; Tribe; Algiers; Ottoman Period Haut de page
其他关键词:Ritual Heir (‘âṣib); Burial Ritual; Responsibility; Property in Disinheritance; Family; Village Community; Tribe; Algiers; Ottoman Period