摘要:Allan variances and its related methods are commonly used to analyse a sequence of data in the time domain to measure frequency stability of oscillators. It allows for a determination of noise type as a function of the averaging time. This method is one of the most popular for identifying different noise types in the sensors data, and it is usually used for a wide range of studies on the stability of oscillators or atomic clocks. In this paper, the authors propose their own algorithm for a qualitative and quantitative expression of noise type using Allan and related variation. The methods currently used allow for the determination of the noise type graphically only, without quantifying the type and percentages for each of the integration steps. Our study allows for a numerical interpretation of the Allan (and related) variances data. A numerical example of the described method is based on GPS satellite clock corrections for 1825–2086 GPS Week (5 years) based on daily 30-s sampling interval products.