摘要:In this paper, we analyze a family of formulations for the Cyclic Crew Rostering Problem (CCRP), in which a cyclic roster has to be constructed for a group of employees. Each formulation in the family is based on a partition of the roster. Intuitively, finer partitions give rise to a formulation with fewer variables, but possibly more constraints. Coarser partitions lead to more variables, but might allow to incorporate many of the constraints implicitly. We derive analytical results regarding the relative strength of the different formulations, which can serve as a guideline for formulating a given problem instance. Furthermore, we propose a column generation approach, and use it to compare the strength of the formulations empirically. Both the theoretical and computational results demonstrate the importance of choosing a suitable formulation. In particular, for practical instances of Netherlands Railways, stronger lower bounds are obtained, and more than 90% of the roster constraints can be modeled implicitly.