摘要:John Hattie’s Visible Learning research has been read, dissected, and implemented by educators and leaders around the world. Whether it’s the effect sizes or the influences that challenge the thinking of the status quo, the Visible Learning research has taken a place in many educational conversations. Over the last three years, the author of this paper has been researching and implementing the Visible Learning research, and used some of the findings to create a leadership workshop that focused on six of the influences that Hattie has been studying for years. The point of using the six influences he focused on was that based on the author’s knowledge of leadership through his experience as a teacher and building leader, as well as his understanding and research around school climate, there were six areas that all leaders should understand deeply if they are to have a positive impact on student learning.
关键词:Visible Learning; self-efficacy; instructional leadership; collective efficacy; professional learning and development; feedback; assessment capable learners; family engagement Visible Learning ; self-efficacy ; instructional leadership ; collective efficacy ; professional learning and development ; feedback ; assessment capable learners ; family engagement