摘要:The aim of this study was to compare the performance of two semi-trained panels with different degrees of self-reported beer involvement in terms of beer consumption pattern. The two panels were beer non-drinkers (indicating willingness to taste beer) and craft-style beer drinkers. Eleven modified beer samples were evaluated during three separate tasks by both panels. The tasks were (1) a vocabulary generation on a sample level, (2) an attribute identification task with a list of attributes to choose from, and (3) a descriptive analysis. The performance of the two panels was evaluated and compared using three parameters, as follows: Descriptive similarity, attribute knowledge similarity, and perceptual similarity. The results showed that the craft-style beer drinkers generated the most precise vocabulary and correctly identified more attributes, compared to the beer non-drinkers. Furthermore, the sample sensory spaces generated by the two panels were different before the training period, but were perceptually similar post training. To conclude, the beer consumption pattern influenced all aspects of panel performance before training, with the craft-style panel performing better than the non-drinkers panel. However, the panels’ performance became more similar after a short period of training sessions.