摘要:This study investigates the effects of a cognitive task while walking on a slope or a flat surface on gait parameters and gait variability in young adults. The participants consisted of thirty healthy young subjects. They were instructed to walk on a slope or on a flat surface while performing or not performing a cognitive task, which involved speaking a four-syllable word in reverse. A wearable inertia measurement unit (IMU) system was used to measure spatiotemporal parameters and gait variability. Flat gait (FG) while performing the cognitive task (FGC) and uphill gait (UG) while performing the cognitive task (UGC) significantly altered stride times, gait speeds, and cadence as compared with FG and UG, respectively. Downhill gait (DG) while performing the cognitive task (DGC) caused no significant difference as compared with DG. Gait variability comparisons showed no significant difference between UGC and UG or between FGC and FG, respectively. On the other hand, variabilities of stride times and gait speeds were significantly greater for DGC than DG. FGC and UGC induce natural changes in spatiotemporal gait parameters that enable the cognitive task to be performed safely. DGC should be regarded as high complexity tasks involving greater gait variability to reduce fall risk.