摘要:Little is known about the relationship between polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the general population. Therefore this study aimed to describe the association of PUFAs with ROS according to age and sex in the general population and to determine whether PUFA levels are indicators of ROS. This cross-sectional study included 895 participants recruited from a 2015 community health project. Participants were divided into 6 groups based on sex and age (less than 45 years old (young), aged 45–64 years (middle-aged), and 65 years or older (old)) as follows: male, young (n = 136); middle-aged (n = 133); old (n = 82); female, young (n = 159); middle-aged (n = 228); and old (n = 157). The PUFAs measured were arachidonic acid (AA), dihomo gamma linolenic acid (DGLA), AA/DGLA ratio, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ROS considered in the analysis were basal ROS and stimulated ROS levels. Multiple linear analyses showed: (1) significant correlations between PUFA levels, especially DGLA and AA/DGLA ratio, and neutrophil function in the young and middle-aged groups; (2) no significant correlations in old age groups for either sex. Because PUFAs have associated with the ROS production, recommendation for controlled PUFA intake from a young age should be considered.