首页    期刊浏览 2025年03月11日 星期二


  • 标题:Characterizing the Composition of the Pediatric Gut Microbiome: A Systematic Review
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  • 作者:Kane E. Deering ; Amanda Devine ; Therese A. O’Sullivan
  • 期刊名称:Nutrients
  • 电子版ISSN:2072-6643
  • 出版年度:2020
  • 卷号:12
  • 期号:1
  • 页码:16-39
  • DOI:10.3390/nu12010016
  • 出版社:MDPI Publishing
  • 摘要:The consortium of trillions of microorganisms that live inside the human gut are integral to health. Little has been done to collate and characterize the microbiome of children. A systematic review was undertaken to address this gap (PROSPERO ID: CRD42018109599). MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched using the keywords: “healthy preadolescent children” and “gut microbiome” to 31 August 2018. Of the 815 journal articles, 42 met the inclusion criteria. The primary outcome was the relative abundance of bacteria at the phylum, family, and genus taxonomic ranks. α-diversity, short chain fatty acid concentrations, diet, 16S rRNA sequencing region, and geographical location were documented. The preadolescent gut microbiome is dominated at the phylum level by Firmicutes (weighted overall average relative abundance = 51.1%) and Bacteroidetes (36.0%); genus level by Bacteroides (16.0%), Prevotella (8.69%), Faecalibacterium (7.51%), and Bifidobacterium (5.47%). Geographic location and 16S rRNA sequencing region were independently associated with microbial proportions. There was limited consensus between studies that reported α-diversity and short chain fatty acids. Broadly speaking, participants from non-Western locations, who were less likely to follow a Westernized dietary pattern, had higher α-diversity and SCFA concentrations. Confirmatory studies will increase the understanding of the composition and functional capacity of the preadolescent gut microbiome.
  • 关键词:“healthy preadolescent children” and “gut microbiome” to 31 August 2018; Of the 815 journal articles; 42 met the inclusion criteria; The primary outcome was the relative abundance of bacteria at the phylum; family; and genus taxonomic ranks; α-diversity; short chain fatty acid concentrations; diet; 16S rRNA sequencing region; and geographical location were documented; The preadolescent gut microbiome is dominated at the phylum level by Firmicutes (weighted overall average relative abundance = 51;1%) and Bacteroidetes (36;0%); genus level by Bacteroides (16;0%); Prevotella (8;69%); Faecalibacterium (7;51%); and Bifidobacterium (5;47%); Geographic location and 16S rRNA sequencing region were independently associated with microbial proportions; There was limited consensus between studies that reported α-diversity and short chain fatty acids; Broadly speaking; participants from non-Western locations; who were less likely to follow a Westernized dietary pattern; had higher α-diversity and SCFA concentrations; Confirmatory studies will increase the understanding of the composition and functional capacity of the preadolescent gut microbiome;"> MathJax;Hub;Config({ "HTML-CSS": { availableFonts: ["TeX"]; preferredFonts: "TeX"; webFont:"TeX"; imageFont:"TeX"; undefinedFamily:"'Arial Unicode MS';serif"; scale: 80; linebreaks: { automatic: true; width: "container" } }; "TeX": { extensions: ["noErrors;js"]; noErrors: { inlineDelimiters: ["";""]; multiLine: true; style: { "font-size": "90%"; "text-align": "left"; "color": "black"; "padding": "1px 3px"; "border": "1px solid" } } } }); MathJax;Hub;Register;StartupHook("End";function () { $(";art-abstract");css("display"; "block"); }); var browserIe8 = true; (function(i;s;o;g;r;a;m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r] function(){ (i[r];q=i[r];q []);push(arguments)};i[r];l=1*new Date();a=s;createElement(o); m=s;getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a;async=1;a;src=g;m;parentNode;insertBefore(a;m) })(window;document;'script';'https://www;google-analytics;com/analytics;js';'ga'); ga('create'; 'UA-5824718-2'; 'auto'); ga('require'; 'displayfeatures'); ga('send'; 'pageview'); (function(w;d;s;l;i){w[l]=w[l] [];w[l];push({'gtm;start': new Date();getTime();event:'gtm;js'});var f=d;getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; j=d;createElement(s);dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l=' l:'';j;async=true;j;src= 'https://www;googletagmanager;com/gtm;js?id=' i dl;f;parentNode;insertBefore(j;f); })(window;document;'script';'dataLayer';'GTM-WPK7SW5')