摘要:Control systems prototyping is usually constrained by model complexity, embedded system configurations, and interface testing. The proposed control system prototyping of a remotely-operated vehicle (ROV) with a docking hoop (DH) to recover an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) named AUVDH using a combination of software tools allows the prototyping process to be unified. This process provides systematic design from mechanical, hydrodynamics, dynamics modelling, control system design, and simulation to testing in water. As shown in a three-dimensional simulation of an AUVDH model using MATLAB™/Simulink™ during the launch and recovery process, the control simulation of a sliding mode controller is able to control the positions and velocities under the external wave, current, and tether forces. In the water test using the proposed Python-based GUI platform, it shows that the AUVDH is capable to perform station-keeping under the external disturbances.
关键词:docking hoop; recovery; simulation; Python; remotely-operated vehicle; autonomous underwater vehicle; sliding-mode control; backpropagation neural network; hydrodynamics damping and added mass docking hoop ; recovery ; simulation ; Python ; remotely-operated vehicle ; autonomous underwater vehicle ; sliding-mode control ; backpropagation neural network ; hydrodynamics damping and added mass