摘要:The agriculture industry is in need of substantially increasing crop yield to meet growing global demand. Selective breeding programs can accelerate crop improvement but collecting phenotyping data is time- and labor-intensive because of the size of the research fields and the frequency of the work required. Automation could be a promising tool to address this phenotyping bottleneck. This paper presents a Robotic Operating System (ROS)-based mobile field robot that simultaneously navigates through occluded crop rows and performs various phenotyping tasks, such as measuring plant volume and canopy height using a 2D LiDAR in a nodding configuration. The efficacy of the proposed 2D LiDAR configuration for phenotyping is assessed in a high-fidelity simulated agricultural environment in the Gazebo simulator with an ROS-based control framework and compared with standard LiDAR configurations used in agriculture. Using the proposed nodding LiDAR configuration, a strategy for navigation through occluded crop rows is presented. The proposed LiDAR configuration achieved an estimation error of 6.6% and 4% for plot volume and canopy height, respectively, which was comparable to the commonly used LiDAR configurations. The hybrid strategy with GPS waypoint following and LiDAR-based navigation was used to navigate the robot through an agricultural crop field successfully with an root mean squared error of 0.0778 m which was 0.2% of the total traveled distance. The presented robot simulation framework in ROS and optimized LiDAR configuration helped to expedite the development of the agricultural robots, which ultimately will aid in overcoming the phenotyping bottleneck.