摘要:This investigation represents the optimum operation of a co-generation plant producing water and electricity at a specified geographical location in Ras Gharib, Egypt. A model has been set employing Parabolic Trough Collectors (PTC) utilizing molten salt as the working fluid for the solar island which exchanges heat with a simple steam Rankine cycle. Thereby, the steam turbine generates an adequate amount of electricity used to cover all the plants’ requirements including the Reverse Osmosis (RO) water desalination unit demand. Moreover, the Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) plant acts as a condenser for the proposed system, taking full advantage of hot steam exiting the turbine unit to desalinate seawater. The results are displayed considering the optimum operation of the plant along the year anticipating the amount of freshwater and electricity produced all year long using MATLAB/Simulink package. Monthly assessments yield that maximum production of 16000 m 3 /day and 2000 m 3 /day of fresh water can be produced from the MSF and RO plants respectively in July together with 12.65 MW can be supplied to the grid after meeting all the plant demands.
关键词:Cogeneration ; Hybrid CSP plant ; Thermo-economic study ; Sea water desalination